aha! Process, Inc.

Resource-building training and workbooks for changemakers

Aha! Process catalog offers award winning publications, workshops, and consulting services to community and education leaders for understanding the dynamics of poverty and the creation of resources for success.

  • Events for Educators, Businesses and Community Leaders - Through their acclaimed programs like Bridges to Healthcare, A Framework for Understanding Poverty, Understanding and Engaging Under-Resourced College Students, and Getting Ahead in the Workplace, community leaders and educators will discover and develop skills that help build resources for sustainable success. Aha! Process catalog is a leader in anti-poverty change, with public workshops, trainer certification courses, and facilitator seminars. With all three sectors at the table, these conferences enjoy the potential of making a measurable impact on poverty.

  • Addressing the Challenges of Poverty - Aha! Process is an innovative approach to understanding and treating the epidemic of poverty. With a focus on communities, the workplace, and our communities, their programs and publications focus on both comprehending the challenges of poverty, and focusing on strategies to develop resources across sectors. Educators, community leaders, and business executives will find tools that enhance success to combat poverty.

  • Live Online Training - In addition to their invigorating national conferences and workshops, Aha! Process offers online training. You will find a powerful resource for learning to recognize the societal impacts of poverty, and discover creative strategies for building a way out of the cycle. With aha! Process materials and inspiration, you will have the tools to begin developing resources for long-term, sustainable success.

  • Workbooks, Books and Training Supplements - Find the forward thinking publications authored by the founders of aha! Process and other thought leaders including: Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D., Philip E. DeVol, Lucy Shaw, MBA, and others in the aha! Process team. They have new releases, top sellers, self-paced course books, DVDs, CDs, and kits that support the workshops and online courses, as well as materials to continue your learning on poverty and the way to a brighter future.
Aha! Process makes resources available for K-12 and higher education, community groups, healthcare, business, and criminal justice organizations, with online training, on site workshops, and multi-copy discounts that make it feasible to include your entire team.

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