Legal supplies - Stationery and legal office supplies from ALL-STATE LEGAL

Serving law professionals since 1946, ALL-STATE LEGAL office supply catalog provides legal supplies, legal stationery and marketing materials as well as legal specialty and general office supplies that will maximize any law firm's overall efficiency and profitability such as letterhead, business cards, tabs, expanding files, corporate kits and more.

  • ALL-STATE LEGAL Supplies - Putting the Legal in ALL-STATE LEGAL and providing solutions that address all aspects of a successful practice. From corporate kits to patent folders, real estate practice items and estate planning, ASL offers a variety of legal supplies and practice specific specialty items that allow your firm to work more efficiently. They've even customized everyday office supplies - such as expanding files and exhibit dividers - to meet the needs of the legal profession.

  • Legal Filing and Office Supplies - The ALL-STATE LEGAL supplies catalog offers the most extensive selection of legal filing products in the country coupled with all the general office supplies your firm needs. Choose from expandable files, file envelopes and jackets, file folders, case file labels and systems and more helpful tools that are designed to work together while exhibiting a highly professional appearance and quality that lasts. Customize your ALL-STATE LEGAL supplies to suit your firm's individual needs.

  • Legal Stationery, Fine Paper and Marketing Materials - Letterhead, business cards, envelopes and blank fine paper are only the beginning. Create and build your brand by purchasing all your personalized legal stationery and client communication materials from one source - ALL-STATE LEGAL. Order announcements, note cards, memo pads even holiday cards and gifts all personalized with your firm's name and logo.

  • Green Selection - ALL-STATE LEGAL is not only committed to serving law firms by providing a single source advantage for all law office essentials and legal office supplies, but they are also committed to helping the environment by providing green friendly and recycled products.
The ALL-STATE LEGAL supplies catalog caters to legal offices all over the country, providing them with an endless supply of law office essentials and legal supplies that are durable, efficient and economical and environmentally friendly.

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