
Essential oils and aromatherapy oils

Let Aroma Theraputix be your essential oil supplier, offering the highest quality aromatherapy oils and aromatherapy diffuser choices.

  • Aromatherapy essential oils - Your essential oil purchase choices will be easier when you shop the Aroma Theraputix catalog or website. They carry common and hard-to-find varieties of individual and pre-blended oils for healing, relaxation, massage and home fragrance use. /li>

  • Bottles, inhalers and mixing vessels - Order your wholesale essential oil bottles, mixing vessels, and other aromatherapy supplies from their extensive collection.

  • Pure aromatherapy carrier oils - Whether you're mixing custom oils for clients or customers, or want to provide them with the supplies they need to create their own custom blends, you'll find the purest carrier oils available at Aroma Therputix.

  • Aromatherapy diffuser choices - Give your clients a choice in delivery methods when you select heat, fan, evaporation, or nebulizer diffusers from their extensive collection. Don't miss the popular portable diffusers - perfect for workspaces or travelers.

  • Aromatherapy skin care product line - Your customers will appreciate the wholesome options in skin care you'll find in their catalog or website. Choose moisturizing, anti-aging and damage repair creams made with pure aromatherapy essential oils in a gentle, non-irritating base

  • Holistic health care products - Add essential oil-based health care products to your inventory. Choose from preventative and treatment options created with the same care as the rest of their essential oil line.

Aroma Theraputix is committed to offering only the finest essential oils, aromatherapy carrier oils, and essential oil storage, mixing and delivery products available, Whether you are choosing your own supplies or stocking your shop, they promise quality and purity in each and every drop.

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